CRAFT VENDORS NEEDED! REGISTRATION DEADLINE 6/1/25 (see announcements for more info)
CRAFT VENDORS NEEDED! REGISTRATION DEADLINE 6/1/25 (see announcements for more info)
St. George Church founded in 1848 is a Roman Catholic Parish and a member of the Joliet Diocese. The Clerics of St. Viator have served the parish since 1898. When founded St. George served the local farming community, it now serves 300 families from the various communities of Bourbonnais, Bradley, Kankakee, Manteno, Momence, Grant Park, and St. Anne to name a few. This diversity melds both old parishioners who have roots from the beginnings of the parish in 1848 to those who have recently joined the St. George Parish Family.
St. George is a very active community. Activities range from the celebration of the Liturgy to social and educational activities. All parishioners are encouraged to be involved in the Eucharist celebrations to serve as ushers, lectors, altar servers, and choir members. Family Faith Formation (Religious Education) is provided for children from K – 8th grade with sacrament preparation at the appropriate grade levels. The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is held each year. In the last two years the classes have averaged five to six adults for religious preparation.
Additional Ministries are the Peace and Justice Committee, Art & Environment Committee, Pastoral Care and Homebound Ministry, Family Ministry and Viatorian Youth Ministry of Maternity BVM & St. George.
The Peace and Justice Committee coordinates fundraising efforts to provide money to needy areas throughout the world. Monthly food drives are also held to replenish the local food pantries.
The Art & Environment Committee provides the beautiful decorations in the Church and Parish Hall.
The Pastoral Care and Homebound Ministry provides one-on-one interaction with those parishioners unable to attend services but who would still like to receive the sacraments and to hear the news of events at St. George.
Family Ministry sponsors activities for families that are made up of every age group from adults to young children. Annual events include Family Fright Night, Cookies, Crafts & Cocoa (Christmas) and the annual Palm Sunday Easter Egg Hunt.
The Viatorian Youth Ministry of Maternity BVM & St. George sponsors faith, fellowship and service activities for all of our area Jr. High & High School students, grades 6-12.
Two of the social groups at St. George are the Holy Name Society and the Garden Club.
All men of the parish are welcome to be involved in Holy Name Society activities. These range from the annual December Stag Fish Fry, the Golf Outing as well as fundraising projects for the parish.
The Garden Club is responsible for the landscaping improvements that are seen throughout the parish grounds.
St. George Catholic Church encourages its parishioners to be involved in whatever way he/she wants to be involved.
St George Catholic Church
Every ticket purchased enters you into 3 drawings for the following:
1. $750.00 (winner drawn on 4/20/25 AFTER EASTER MASS)
2. $1,000.00 (winner drawn on 5/25/25 MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND)
Raffle tickets were mailed to all registered parishioners on 2/7/25.
Additional tickets will be available in the church Narthex.
Fill out raffle ticket(s) & return with payment, in envelope provided, to any collection basket.
For questions, please contact the Parish Office at 815-939-1851.