7TH ANNUAL TRIVIA NIGHT 3/15/25 - SAVE THE DATE! (see announcements for more info)
7TH ANNUAL TRIVIA NIGHT 3/15/25 - SAVE THE DATE! (see announcements for more info)
The past 150 years have seen many significant changes to St. George Church. Take a trip back in time while you browse through and enjoy the historical pictures below.
St. Mary's Immaculate Conception Church in Kankakee was the original parish that housed these beautiful stained-glass windows which now grace the walls of St. George Church. Upon the closing of St. Mary's in the mid 1990's, St. George contracted to have the windows removed and stored at Botti Studios in Evanston, Illinois.
In 2008, sponsorship of having the windows installed in the newly remodeled church was presented to membership. All windows were funded by the parishioners and were installed in 2009.
In 2012, a New Window committee was formed to fill the last remaining window space in the upper North wall of the church. It was decided that the logical choice would be our patron St. George slaying the dragon.
The windows in the church proper on the East wall depict the first four Joyous Mysteries of the rosary. In the following pictures you fill find a picture and description of each window, beginning from the East wall to the West wall in counter-clockwise placement.
St George Catholic Church
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