CRAFT VENDORS NEEDED! REGISTRATION DEADLINE 6/1/25 (see announcements for more info)
CRAFT VENDORS NEEDED! REGISTRATION DEADLINE 6/1/25 (see announcements for more info)
The Christian life is an ongoing journey. In the Sacrament of Confirmation, we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit and reaffirm our baptismal commitment to the Mission of Christ. The Spirit comes to us, enabling and empowering us to live as fully initiated members of the Catholic Church and sons and daughters of God who extend the message of Christ to the world.
Confirmation for Young People
At St. George, Confirmation is usually celebrated in the Spring of the child's 8th grade year.
– Preparation begins with the study of the message and mission of Jesus Christ.
Candidate/parent meetings focusing on the Sacrament of Confirmation are held in the Fall.
– A Retreat assists the young people in discerning their readiness for the sacrament.
– Candidates choose a Confirmation/Saint name with appropriate research on their model of
– Engage in twenty-five (25) hours of community service as determined by the school or religious
education program.
For more information, please contact Denise Dillard at 815-549-3537 or
Confirmation for Adults
Adults who are seeking to be Confirmed are invited to contact the Parish Office at 815-939-1851 to discuss your faith journey and to determine the timing and appropriate preparation for the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation.
St George Catholic Church
Every ticket purchased enters you into 3 drawings for the following:
1. $750.00 (winner drawn on 4/20/25 AFTER EASTER MASS)
2. $1,000.00 (winner drawn on 5/25/25 MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND)
Raffle tickets were mailed to all registered parishioners on 2/7/25.
Additional tickets will be available in the church Narthex.
Fill out raffle ticket(s) & return with payment, in envelope provided, to any collection basket.
For questions, please contact the Parish Office at 815-939-1851.