CRAFT VENDORS NEEDED! REGISTRATION DEADLINE 6/1/25 (see announcements for more info)
CRAFT VENDORS NEEDED! REGISTRATION DEADLINE 6/1/25 (see announcements for more info)
We hope you enjoy the below photographic memories of the various events & happenings at St. George Church.
At the end of a beautiful Mass, Father Dan brought all of his "Children of God" up to the Altar. With the words "Follow Me!", he led them, along with the rest of the congregation on a magical tour of all the glowing inflatables.
The Martha & Mary "Ugly Sweater" Party was a big success! There was delicious food, holiday libations, Reindeer Games with prizes and lots of laughter and great conversation with friends. Thank you to all who attended and to Father Dan for being such a wonderful host!
Friendship, fellowship & fun were in abundance and a "turkey" was almost seen at the St. George Church bowling night. A great time was had by all!
Delicious chili recipes were enjoyed while watching funny Superbowl commercials at the annual Pre-Superbowl Party / Chili Cook Off.
Martha & Mary Ministry hosted the 4th Annual Trivia Night. Laughter & fun were in abundance & many more great memories were made. See you next year!
More memories were made at our annual Ash Wednesday Soup Supper. Delicious soups/grilled cheese,friendship & fellowship made for a wonderful evening.
Congrats & God's blessings to our Confirmandi!
May you all go out and change the world using the Gifts of the Holy Spirit!
Today 18 ladies gathered for a spiritual retreat at the “Emerald City Spa” to “Melt their Stress Away”…
Pizza was provided & Cassie showed all of us how to make beautiful palm crosses. Lots of fun was had and happy memories were made.
🐰🐣 Family Ministry's Palm Sunday Easter Egg Hunt! The weather was perfect & candy/smiles were plentiful. Many more "Hoppy" memories were made!
On 4/23/22, the cross that was once atop the current Church was dedicated/blessed.
Benefactor/Builder - Alexander DeCarlo (Eagle Scout Project)
On 4/23/22,St George Church celebrated our patron saint in a big way!
Lots of fun was had & many memories were made to share with future generations!
Congrats and God's blessings our children of God.
May the love of Jesus shine bright in your hearts always!
On May 8, 2022, our First Communicants participated in our annual May Crowning Ceremony.
This trip is in honor of Father Dan's Mom who enjoyed playing bingo in the casinos.
Everyone had a blast!
Our most sincere thanks and respect go out to those who sacrificed their lives and paid the ultimate price to defend our freedom.
Annual Holy Name Society Golf Outing. This event helps support scholarships to Bishop McNamara HS & Family Faith Formation Program.
St George Catholic Church
Every ticket purchased enters you into 3 drawings for the following:
1. $500.00 (winner drawn on 3/15/25 AT TRIVIA NIGHT)
2. $750.00 (winner drawn on 4/20/25 AFTER EASTER MASS)
3. $1,000.00 (winner drawn on 5/25/25 MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND)
Raffle tickets will be mailed to all registered parishioners on 2/7/25.
Additional tickets will be available in the church Narthex.
Fill out raffle ticket(s) & return with payment, in envelope provided, to any collection basket.
For questions, please contact the Parish Office at 815-939-1851.