CRAFT VENDORS NEEDED! REGISTRATION DEADLINE 6/1/25 (see announcements for more info)
CRAFT VENDORS NEEDED! REGISTRATION DEADLINE 6/1/25 (see announcements for more info)
The celebration of the Sunday Eucharist is the source and summit of our lives as Catholic
Christians. Preparation for receiving the Sacred Body and Blood of Christ begins at a
young age as parents teach their children the importance of our Sunday celebration.
Coming to the Eucharist (Mass) is central to our faith-life and provides the nourishment
needed to live our daily lives.
There are many opportunities at St. George to participate in the celebration of the
–Daily Mass: 8:00 AM – Wednesday and Friday
–Saturday (anticipatory for Sunday): 5:00 PM
–Sunday Mass: 8:00 & 10:15 AM
First Eucharist for Children:
When a child reaches the age when she/he understands the meaning of the Eucharist, and asks to come to the Table of the Lord, the baptized child is welcomed to our family table. The Sacrament of Holy Eucharist continues the initiation begun at Baptism. The initiation process continues through the conferring of Confirmation, the final sacrament of initiation.
–The Sacrament of Reconciliation precedes First Eucharist.
–Second grade is the usual age to receive First Eucharist at St. George, and the children are
prepared through their Religious Education classes.
–Information and formational meetings for both parent and child are required during the year.
–Other preparation prior to First Communion Day includes: a rehearsal for the sacramental day.
For more information on First Eucharist, please contact Denise Dillard at 815-549-3537 or
St George Catholic Church
Every ticket purchased enters you into 3 drawings for the following:
1. $750.00 (winner drawn on 4/20/25 AFTER EASTER MASS)
2. $1,000.00 (winner drawn on 5/25/25 MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND)
Raffle tickets were mailed to all registered parishioners on 2/7/25.
Additional tickets will be available in the church Narthex.
Fill out raffle ticket(s) & return with payment, in envelope provided, to any collection basket.
For questions, please contact the Parish Office at 815-939-1851.