Baptism is one of the three sacraments of Christian Initiation (along with Confirmation and the Eucharist) through which Catholics are incorporated as full members of the Church.
Baptism is the foundation for the Christian life:
–Gives sanctifying grace, that is, God’s life.
–Gives the baptized a new birth in which he or she becomes a child of God.
–Cleanses people from original sin and any personal sin (older children & adults).
–Incorporates members into the life, practices and mission of the Church.
–Imprints on their souls an indelible character that prepares them for worship, and is necessary
for the salvation of those who have heard the gospel.
Infant Baptism
–Infant Baptism is celebrated after Mass on Saturday PM or Sunday AM.
–The Church teaches that parents are the primary educators of their child in the faith.
–Keep in mind that at least one Godparent is required to be a Baptized Catholic.
–Please call the Parish Office at least 6 weeks in advance to arrange a date for the Baptism and
an appointment to complete paperwork. All paperwork must be completed two weeks prior to
the Baptism.
–Please call the Parish Office 815-939-1851, for more information or to schedule a Baptism.
Adult Baptism
Please contact the Parish Office for more information. 815-939-1851
St George Catholic Church
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